Youth and U.S. | Miller in Europe | Miller In Utah | TV and Film | In Iran
Miller first travelled to Iran in 1957 where he stayed on year learning about the music and culture before going to Beirut and then Europe to become a successful jazz figure. when Miller's family first went to Iran, the work of setting up a business school by Miller's father was acknowledged by the Shah
Miller's father with the Shah of Iran

Miller's Mother was awarded a medal of honor for her informative best seller book on Iran "Bright Blue Beads."
Miller's mother is awarded medal of honor by the Shah

In 1969, Miller was awarded a Fulbright scholarship through the University of Utah Millde East Center to do further research on Persian and related music in the Middle East.
During the ensuing 7 years, Miller travelled throughout the Middle East from Afghanistan and Pakistan to Lebanon and Turkey spending most of his time in Tehran. In Iran, Miller became a key arts writer for all the English publications as well as writing in Persian, French and one article in German. He also was a key writer for the Middle East Sketch, an important magazine published in Beirut.
 During the 70s Miller became a well-known TV personality hosting his own prime-time weekly jazz and ethnic music show as well as producing and directing a documentry series on jazz history and doing a show in English about Persian arts and culture.
As a journalist, Miller met with many important people in government and the arts. Among these was Her Majesty the Queen of Iran whom Miller met 7 times at various events like the Tehran International Film Festival, the Shiraz Arts Festival and the Historical Pagent of Women's Dress in Iran.
Miller & the Queen of Iran at two International Film Festivals

Miller & the Queen of Iran at the Shiraz Arts Festival

A few of Miller's former press badges

An issue of Sketch magazine on UAE written by Miller

Miller submitted articles on Iran & Afghanistan to the International Music Guide published in London

Miller's driver's license in Iran
In Iran, Miller's success as a performer on TV and at cultural institutes as well as an arts writer in most media and a PR person of the NIRTV Center for Preservation and Propagation of Traditional Music was astounding.
Miller's LP record released by the Iran America Society

Jazz concert by Miller at the Goethe Institute

Miller as percussionist for Peter Brooke's "Orghast" a world premier at the Shiraz Arts Festival

Article on Miller's weekly TV show on NIRTV

Info on Miller's TV shows in Tamasha Magazine

Miller playing rebab with Farid Zoland on his weekly TV show

Miller with Dr. Safvat at NIRTV's Music Preservation Center

Miller with Iran's top vocalist Parisa at master Karimi's wedding

Youth and U.S. | Miller in Europe | Miller In Utah | TV and Film | In Iran